Acrylic Paintings

Surrealism (New)

There are hidden meanings...can you understand them?


New Birth

A new season began right after my life was changing to finding new answers and discoveries!

New Discoveries

When the inspiration visits an artist weird things can happen...

My New York paintings were described by many as "prophetic" . It's a fact that while I was exercising my gift, I had no idea where I was going to...I mean I wasn't predesigning my theme, so as to know the final result, but it seemed that I was drawn to paint something which I had no idea where it would end up...


Collection - Part 1

A series of Acrylic Paintings that have been created in the decade of the 90's 

Averart Gallery
Title: New Fruit

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7710
Dim: 120X80cm  Price: €3250

Averart Gallery
Title: Second Coming

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7711
Dim: 80X50cm Price: €2750

Averkios Art
Title: Waterfalls

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7712
Dim: 90X50cm Price: €2850

Averkios Art
Title: Wine at the beach

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7713
Dim:120X80cm Price: €3650

Averkios Art
Title: The New Man

Acrylic on Canvas
Dim: 100X60cm

Averkios Art
Title: Resurrection Force

Acrylic on Canvas
Dim: 70X50cm

Averkios Art
Title: Summer Escape ( 1999 )

Acrylic on Canvas. 190X70cm - Sold in Cyprus
A pleasant piece of Art, but with hidden and puzzling messages...Can you find them?

Averart Gallery

The four corners

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7714
Dim: 85X120cm Price: €3350

A very interesting piece of art that bridges the old with the new, resting in a harmonious design and colour. Can you see the four corners? Just close slightly your eyes and see the four elements that consist the mystery...

Coffee table at the beach

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7715
Dim: 85X120cm

A table with a history. Our personal items are sometimes history tellers.
The artist expresses a romantic environment, by sitting on his own table, and visualising the beautiful beach. Notice the rope that comes from the boat..

Averart Gallery
Averart Gallery

The mandarin

Acrylic on Canvas - Dim: 85X120cm
Year 1999

A surreal theme where the artist presents elements that are connected and at the same time appart. Notice the distances between the elements. Also through transparency the eye can visualize another dimension

Coffee & Rose Dream

Acrylic on Canvas - 85X120cm
Year 1999

The ability to dream depends on the environment and the atmosphere that is surrounding us. Coincidences a remarkable concurrence of events,
or circumstances without apparent causal connection. 

Averart Gallery
Averart Gallery
Title: New Day

Acrylic on Canvas - CODE: AVERSN7716
Dim: 120X120cm
Observe the analogies, find the hidden meanings
[ Found at: Loukia and Michael Zampelas Art Museum ]


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with New and Old Pieces of Art

Averart Gallery

Contemporary ART exhibition
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